About us
The SLB GROUP’s strength is its ability to develop and build innovative installations and machines based around existing technologies. Our clients include both machine developers and producers. These are organisations in critical industries that have to meet ever-stricter requirements and shoulder more and more responsibilities. By collaborating with the SLB GROUP, they can put the entire process of developing and building installations and machines into the hands of our experts. We realise third-party equipment and take care of everything from engineering and production to assembly and service during projects worth up to €2.5 million.

Family business with an international scope
The SLB GROUP has three subsidiaries: RVS NON FERRO, RIJKERS and SLB HIGHTECH. They operate as independent business units and make use of a single shared production, assembly and installation unit. In each organisation, our people make all the difference. Passion, expertise and training are the pillars upon which our company is built. We strive to develop sustainable relationships with both our employees and our clients. The SLB GROUP is a typical family business with an international scope.